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Why Hollywood choose Stefano Labbia?

Alina Patlichenko
Stefano Labbia at Roma Film Fest

Stefano Labbia is a young and talented Italian author of Brazilian origin whose career in writing and screenwriting has thrived in recent years. At just 37 years old, he has already published several books, collections of short stories, and graphic novels, winning numerous literary prizes along the way. However, his work has also caught the eye of Hollywood, and his unique vision and style of storytelling have led filmmakers to seek him out for their projects.
Labbia was born in Rome in 1984, and he discovered his passion for writing at an early age. He studied screenwriting at University of East Anglia, where he honed his skills as a writer and began publishing his work. In 2016, he released his first collection of poems, "Gli Orari del Cuore," which was followed by his second poetry collection, "I Giardini Incantati," and his first novel, "Piccole Vite Infelici," the latter of which won the Elison Prize 2017 for best unpublished novel.
In addition to his successful writing career, Labbia established Black Robot Entertainment, a production company and management agency for audiovisual products, as well as Black Robot Publishing, a publishing company, and Trainer! App LTD, a fitness company, all based in Great Britain. These ventures have allowed him to explore different creative avenues and expand his reach as a storyteller.
Labbia's success as a writer and entrepreneur has not gone unnoticed, and his work has been recognized internationally. He has won several literary prizes and has been a finalist in many literary competitions. Some of the most notable include the "Elison Publishing" Prize for best unpublished novel, the Mario Dell'Arco 2017 Competition, the International Prize "Una città che scrive," and the National Nobildonna Maria Santoro Prize, just to name a few.
Labbia's work has also attracted the attention of Hollywood, where producers and directors are eager to work with him. The reasons for this, however, extend beyond just his talent as a writer. Labbia has a unique approach to storytelling that combines his love for literature, cinema, and visual arts. His writing is both poetic and cinematic, allowing readers to visualize his characters and worlds vividly.
In 2019, Labbia was a quarterfinalist in the Free Screenplay Contest - The Script Lab for his TV series pilots "Fear" and "Sisco." These accomplishments have caught the attention of producers, and his talent as a screenwriter has opened doors for him in the United States. His creative vision, versatility, and willingness to collaborate make him a valuable asset to any project.
Some of Labbia's most notable projects include "Killer Loop'S #1," a graphic novel released in 2019, and "Come vivere in tre comode rate," his second novel, which was published in 2020. Labbia's graphic novel received critical acclaim for its unique style and gripping storyline, while his second novel has been praised for its Authenticity and ability to connect with readers on a personal level.
What sets Labbia apart from other writers is his ability to explore different genres and styles while maintaining his unique voice. His work ranges from horror stories to romance and everything in between, and he's not afraid to experiment with new formats and mediums. He has also demonstrated his versatility as a writer by contributing to various projects such as anthologies and illustration books.
Labbia's success as a writer and screenwriter is undoubtedly due to his talent and dedication, but it's also a testament to his willingness to collaborate and take risks. He has consistently pushed himself out of his comfort zone and has never been afraid to pursue new opportunities. His passion for storytelling, coupled with his natural talent, has earned him a place among Hollywood's most coveted writers.
In conclusion, Stefano Labbia is a rising star in the world of literature and film, and his talent has caught the attention of Hollywood. His unique vision and approach to storytelling make him a valuable asset to any project, and his versatility as a writer and screenwriter allows him to tackle different genres and styles with ease. From his humble beginnings in Rome to his successful career in Great Britain, Labbia has proven that passion and hard work can lead to great success.