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The difference between 80s and 2020s in Hollywood entertainment industry

Alina Patlichenko

The Hollywood entertainment industry is one of the most dynamic and constantly evolving creative ecosystems globally. Hollywood has been continuously changing and shifting its focus on the types of movies and films that it produces. In comparison to the 80s, the entertainment industry today appears to have undergone significant changes in terms of technological advancements, cultural values, and audience preferences. This essay explores the notable differences between the Hollywood entertainment industry of the 80s and the industry of 2020.
One of the notable differences between the Hollywood entertainment industry of the 80s and 2020 is the technological advancements. The 80s was a decade marked by the transition from traditional film cameras to digital ones. Back then, special effects were modest and inexpensive, and production utilized outdated techniques. Today, computer-generated imagery and other technological advancements have revolutionized the industry, making it possible to produce more visually stunning movies and enhance their impact on audiences. In addition, social media platforms have enabled the industry to market films more effectively and draw massive audiences to cinemas worldwide.
The cultural values presented in 80s Hollywood movies are vastly different from those exhibited in 2020 films. The movies released in the 80s comprised of storylines about the American dream, individuality, and creating unique identities. Characters in such movies were often presented as people who defied social norms and conventions. In comparison, Hollywood movies today focus more on progressive ideas and social consciousness. Such movies reflect cultural values related to representation, diversity, and inclusiveness. Moreover, the movie industry now places a significant emphasis on storytelling, character development, and representation of minorities, ensuring that everyone is represented and makes the film accessible to all.
In the 80s, successful Hollywood movies primarily revolved around thematic restrictions and certain audience demographics. For instance, comedy movies were meant for older viewers, while teenagers preferred to watch horror and action movies. In comparison, the film industry in 2020 has more diverse content that appeals to a wider audience range. Movie genres such as superhero films, action films, romantic comedies and biopics are all commonplace today, and studios produce content that appeals to all ages, genders, and races.
The distribution of movies has undergone significant transformations over the last four decades. In the 80s, the only way to watch the current blockbuster movie was to go to a theater. Today, in addition to theaters, audiences can watch almost any film anywhere through streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, and HBO. People today have no limitations in terms of when, where and how they enjoy films, and movies are more accessible to everyone anywhere, anytime.
In conclusion, the difference between the Hollywood entertainment industry of 80s and the one of 2020 is vast. Technological advancements, cultural values, audience demographics, and movie distribution have changed dramatically. The movies produced today reflect a society that values diversity, inclusivity and social awareness, which is a clear departure from the prevalent culture of the 80s.