Cover photo for Alina Patlichenko

Super Madness: the hero you wouldn't expect

Alina Patlichenko
Super Madness by Stefano Labbia

Super Madness, the little heroine created by Stefano Labbia, is the character you wouldn’t expect. This comic follows the journey of a seven-year-old heroine with a unique power, the healing factor that even scientists could not fully comprehend. The young protagonist, who goes by the name of Eve Lennon in the real world, is disowned by her parents after discovering her powers, leaving her alone and vulnerable.

Fortunately, Eve finds a safe haven under the guidance of two powerful women who eventually become her mentors in the art of superheroism. One of these women is a 25-year-old vigilante with the power of teleportation, May Hutchinson, while the other is a well-versed karate sensei. Under their tutelage, Eve takes on the guise of Mindy Lannister, and with the mask of Super Madness, begins her vigilante journey to fight crime in the notorious concrete jungle of New York City.

What makes this comic series unique is how it portrays the struggles of a young girl who is forced to navigate life with extraordinary powers, even as she is rejected by her own family. The storyline cleverly blends themes related to family, love, mentorship, and the challenges of being a unconventional heroine, while taking readers on a gripping adventure of crime-solving and supernatural abilities.

Super Madness’s healing powers are so incredible that they make for fascinating reading, not just for the entertainment value but also for the scientific implications of such abilities. As an science fanatic, I find it fascinating. In a world that struggles with pandemics and diseases, the concept of infinite healing power is extremely compelling. Moreover, the healing powers could have other uses if explored thoroughly, such as prolonged life spans, the prevention of aging and immunization against all known diseases. It is a character trait that could have a significant impact on our real-life medical technologies that are still in the initial stages.

In the comic, her other mentor, the elder female karate sensei, is also an intellectual treat. The martial arts aspect of this masterpiece is not just a mere aspect of entertainment but serves as an excellent avenue through which the author explores the idea of mentorship and a unique way of life itself. The mentorship dynamic encourages younger people to be grateful to their elders and respect their authority.

Furthermore, Super Madness as a character is a groundbreaking addition to the comic genre representing a significant shift from the conventional male superhero archetype. The character’s gender and age aside, her unusual healing ability makes her considerably more complex than the run-of-the-mill superhero. She struggles with the advantages and disadvantages of her abilities, grappling with the harsh truths that come with being so unique. She also faces blows and injuries that, luckily, she heals from quickly. This makes her vulnerable, authentic and ultimately relatable. In a field where superheroes go largely unscathed from accidents in their line of work, this book stands out as a revolutionary approach to the superhero genre.

Super Madness is the representation of a beautifully written, intellectual and eye-opening comic by an author who skillfully weaves the supernatural to depict everyday life. The reader is taken through the complexity that comes with being extraordinary while facing the onerousness of everyday life struggles. The series' themes and characters are fantastic representations of the state of society that aims to inspire and educate at the same time.

In conclusion, Super Madness is a must-read for anyone who is passionate about superhero comics, enjoys complex characters and compelling themes that delve deeply into the issues of real life. The storyline, themes and character development are cleverly executed, challenging the reader’s imagination, while bringing a thoughtful and entertaining reading experience. I highly recommend this comic book series to anyone, regardless of the age group, gender or individual interests. Super Madness has something for everyone!