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Serial and movies: pros and cons for audience

Alina Patlichenko

Serials and movies are two of the most popular forms of entertainment. There are a few differences between the two, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Readers will examine the pros and cons of serials and movies for the audience in this essay.
Serials are often held on television, streaming platforms, or YouTube, and they are much shorter than movies, usually lasting no more than 30–45 minutes. In contrast, movies can range anywhere from 90 minutes to three hours, or longer. As a result, the audience will be able to get more comprehensive, detailed, and immersive storytelling with serials because the narrative unfolds over multiple episodes. However, movies provide audiences with cinematic experiences that are difficult to match in any other format.
Another benefit of serials compared to movies is that serials tell a more extended, more complex story that is divided over time. When the audience watches the entire season, they will have a fuller understanding of the narrative and be more invested in the characters. Movies frequently follow a more straightforward plot, allowing the audience to understand the story and the characters' motivations more easily. However, sometimes, the audience might feel as though the movie could have explored the plot and characters more.
In terms of audience engagement, serials provide audiences with the opportunity to participate in ongoing discussions, theories, and speculations with others. They also have the chance to express specific preferences or to connect with characters. Movies, on the other hand, offer a more contained viewing experience and are enjoyable for date nights or a solo experience. However, social media platforms make it easier to share reviews of movies and to connect with others who have also watched the same movie.
Finally, the cost of watching serials and movies is a significant factor for audiences. With streaming subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, audiences can now watch entire seasons of serials at a relatively low cost. Alternatively, going to the cinema can be an expensive affair for the groups, and movies can only be viewed once unless they are re-released later on TV or streaming platforms.
In conclusion, both serials and movies provide a great way to get lost in a story for audiences. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and which one to choose depends on the individual's personal preferences. While serials provide a longer, immersive story that allows for ongoing engagement and discussion, movies offer cinematic experiences that stay with us for a long time. Ultimately, the choice between serials and movies depends on the audience's lifestyle, taste, and budget.