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EXCLUSIVE: Stefano Labbia and his first euromanga: Dragon Way!

Alina Patlichenko
Dragon Way by Stefano Labbia

Dragon way is an epic euro manga created by Stefano Labbia: it deserve a focus on, believe me so… let’s do it! The story follows a magical being named Holy who is the last of her kind, and her young human friend Ayumi. Holy, along her / it three small dragons, set out to bring peace to the world. However, Holy’s plans take an unexpected turn when she / it accidentally summons a group of evil supernatural creatures known as little evil ghosts. This sets in motion a series of events that will test Holy's abilities and challenge her resolve. In this exclusive article, we will dive deeper into the obstacles faced by the main characters and explore the themes of friendship, perseverance, and overcoming obstacles that are central to Dragon Way!
The story of Dragon way centers on the friendship between Holy and Ayumi. Holy is a magical being with the power to summon elements of nature and Ayumi is a young girl that befriends her. Together, they embark on a journey to bring peace to the world. However, their plans quickly turn awry when Holy accidentally summons a group of little evil ghosts. These supernatural creatures are evil in nature and have the ability to wreak havoc on the world. Holy becomes determined to capture these cursed creatures and restore peace to the world.
A mix of humour, action, supernatural and fantastic who i never read in my whole life: Stefano Labbia strike again and created a phenomenal universe where everything is possible and you can’t exactly know what can happen…
Back to the story… One of the major obstacles facing Holy is capturing the little evil ghosts. These creatures are not only powerful, but they are also incredibly elusive. They can move quickly and vanish into thin air, making it difficult for Holy to track them down. Additionally, the little evil ghosts are capable of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of those around them, making it hard for Holy to get any help. Despite these obstacles, Holy remains committed to her task and spends the rest of her days trying to capture these cursed creatures. And the worst for Holy is that… Every creatures, inspirated directly from the japanese culture, have its power!
Another obstacle that Holy faces is her own identity. As the last of her kind, she / it struggles with feelings of loneliness and isolation. She cannot relate to anyone else, as there are no other magical beings like her in the world. This makes her feel like an outsider and causes her to doubt her own abilities. Additionally, her powers are not fully under her control, which causes further self-doubt and insecurity. Despite these challenges, Holy remains steadfast in her mission and continues to work towards her goal of capturing the little evil ghosts - thanks to the support of Ayumi, of course.
The theme of friendship is central to the story of Dragon way. Holy and Ayumi's relationship is based on trust and mutual respect - and… SPOILER, love! They support each other through the obstacles they face and provide comfort in times of need. Their friendship is a source of strength for both of them, and it helps them to overcome the challenges they face. Additionally, the dragons that accompany them serve as loyal companions and offer additional support. The relationships between the characters in Dragon Way demonstrate the power of friendship in overcoming obstacles.
Perseverance is another key theme in this manga. Holy's determination to capture the little evil ghosts despite the challenges she faces demonstrates her perseverance. The obstacles she encounters could have easily caused her to give up, but she remained committed to her goal. This perseverance is also evident in Ayumi, who supports Holy throughout her journey. Ayumi's determination to help Holy despite the danger involved shows her own perseverance. The message of perseverance is an important one that speaks to the importance of staying committed to one's goals even in the face of adversity.
The story of Dragon way is filled with action, adventure, and magical elements that will captivate readers of all ages. The character of Holy is a compelling one that draws readers in and makes them invest in her journey. Her struggles with identity, self-doubt, and loneliness are relatable to anyone who has felt like an outsider. Her determination to overcome these obstacles and her commitment to her mission are inspiring and serve as a reminder of the importance of perseverance. Additionally, the theme of friendship is a heartwarming one that reminds readers of the importance of supporting others and working towards common goals.
In conclusion, Dragon way is a fantastic euro manga that explores themes of friendship, perseverance, and overcoming obstacles. The story of Holy and Ayumi is a compelling one that will draw readers in and keep them invested in their journey. The obstacles faced by Holy, including the task of capturing the little evil ghosts and her struggles with identity and self-doubt, are relatable and engaging. The theme of friendship is heartwarming and serves as a reminder of the power of supporting others. Finally, the message of perseverance is inspiring and serves as motivation for anyone facing obstacles in their own lives. Overall, Japan is a must-read for any fan of manga or anyone searching for a story of adventure, friendship, and overcoming obstacles.